the Bible

     Last blog I told you all about one of my favorite books. This week I am going to tell y'all about one of the greatest books ever, and its name is the Bible. From 1815 to 1975 it was estimated that there could have been five billion copies. There is an estimate that there is 670 languages translated so far. but have you ever asked yourself why it's so huge? That's what I am going to talk about today.

     I might not be a bible scholar but there are some pretty huge things that went on in this Holy Bible. I think of when Moses killed the Egyptian guard who was beating an old man. I also think of David fighting a giant! Imagine walking up to a 20 foot tall giant and not being afraid, why? because he knew that God was with him, and that he would see him through.

     I think of the time when David was on the run from his own son! But even though he knew he was in grave danger, he still worshipped God. Psalms 63:4 says "I will praise you as long as I live, lifting up my hands to you in prayer". What do you think that means? I think it means that even when he was betrayed by his own son and was being chased by him. He continued to worship and give God his whole heart.

     But, there is one story that just makes me wonder if I deserved it. It's the story of God giving his only son up so that we could have a relationship with us. So when the Virgin Mary concealed a boy named Jesus when we thought there was no hope at all, on that night we were all given a gift that would change all of are destinies. So when he died on the cross he gave us a choice to either follow his example or follow the desires of our hearts.

     I was given that same choice as you were, and it all started when Mary conceived a child in a cave and the Savior of man kind was born on that silent night. So read your bible every once and a while because you might learn something new.


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